Ferren and the Invaders of Heaven, Book 3 in the Ferren Trilogy, comes out globally on February 26th!

Now live on GoodReads and up for grabs in the US! Not just 4 print copies of Ferren and the Invaders of Heaven, but 4 three-packs of the whole Ferren Trilogy, print copies! But you still need to go to Ferren and the Invaders of Heaven to find the giveaway (or via Browse>Giveaways). The three-pack offer is in the message, but it has to appear under a single book title, and it’s only for GoodReaders in the US – that’s how the system works.
I talk about the latest novel and the whole trilogy with Jason Henderson on Castle Talk podcasts>–64057127 (I swear my rustic Suffolk accent gets stronger all the time!)

Guess who created the fabulous cover? Who but the fabulous Elena Betti! She’s done it again – with a third angel for the third cover. This time it’s Metatron with his great tome, the Universal Register of all the angels in Heaven.
The story is still about Ferren, Miriael, Kiet, Shanna and Zonda, but Metatron is there at the climax. Or one scene of the climax – the last third of the book is all climax, the biggest rolling climax ever! Going up to Heaven, joining in the fighting against the Humen invaders of Heaven – I can’t even begin to describe all the twists and turns (and I wouldn’t give away the surprises anyway!) Everything that’s been building over the trilogy so far comes into it! Even the Morphs!
Ferren and the Invaders of Heaven is longer than the first two books, but only $1 dearer for the print version and still the same price for epub/Kindle. It’s available for pre-order (with a small discount) on Amazon; it’s also on Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, Kobo and others.
Watch out for a GoodReads giveaway that starts on February 1 – it’s for Ferren and the Invaders of Heaven, but the package includes the first two books too! All three free! (US only)

If you haven’t caught up with the series, 6 print copies of Ferren and the Angel are being given away on YABC (Young Adult Book Central) as from yesterday. (US only). Jump in on it at –
Great review from BookLife. This one’s up on their website and will come out in print as a supplement to Publisher’s Weekly on Feb 17 –

The “Humen” of a dystopian future Earth storm Heaven itself in this polished and confident climactic installment of Harland’s Ferren Trilogy. Pulsing with complex relationships—platonic, familial, and romantic—layered world-building, angel lore, and epic celestial battles involving great snakes, spike-guns, flamethrowers, and the Sword of Judgement itself, this entry offers a harrowing yet vividly imagined epic that spans realms. The tension ramps up quickly. Even as the Residual Alliance has rescued the fallen angel Miriael and defeated the evil Doctor Saniette, the angels above deliver a message for their earthly adversaries: “Surrender now or suffer your fate. Your terrible fate.” Led by archangel Uriel, the angels prepare to launch an attack on the vulnerable Humen. But the fallen angel Asmodai, Miriael’s former love, has other plans, moving to take over the Humen Camp and lure Miriael back into his awaiting wings.
As humanity’s secret weapon, Asmodai leads the fight to the Heavens, while Miriael, whose visionary dreams will aid the incursion, and her friends must pick a side and practice some tense diplomacy. The action is inventive and surprising, blending future tech and feathered hosts, as Harland establishes a brisk pace with emotional stakes that match the apocalyptic narrative. Though biblical figures abound—archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel—Harland presents them as players in a sweeping fantasy rather than symbols of faith or religious teachings. That allows for unexpected compacts, jolting betrayals, and a welcome sense, too rare in angel-driven epics, that anything can happen. The geography of Heaven and strategies involving the front and supply lines are as fascinating and clear as the emotions and choices faced by the heroes
Fans of fantasy, angel lore, and desperate rebellions will find Ferren and the Invaders of Heaven compelling but are advised to start with the earlier volumes. For all this entry’s epic scope and long-built-to payoffs, Harland never loses sight of the human, emphasizing community, family bonds, and preserving the future as the tale races to an explosive conclusion.

And another, from Sheri Hoyte of Reader Views. She gave Ferren and the Invaders of Heaven five stars – but what she had to say was better than stars ! >>>>>>
… One of the things I’ve come to love about this series is how Harland raises the stakes with each book, and here he pulls out all the stops. The scale of the war is epic—angels sweeping in across the sky, chariots of fire, the eerie hum of Humen force fields vibrating through the pages—yet even with all that, the story always feels deeply personal … The characters are the beating heart of this book.
“Ferren and the Invaders of Heaven” by Richard Harland brings The Ferren Trilogy to a breathtaking and unforgettable conclusion.
… The writing itself is as immersive as ever, with vivid descriptions that made me feel like I was right there on the battlefield, watching angels clash with Humen or creeping through the shadows with Ferren and his team.
… By the time I reached the final pages, I couldn’t believe it was over. After following Ferren’s journey through three extraordinary books, I felt a mix of satisfaction and sadness—it’s that rare kind of series that stays with you long after you’ve closed the cover. If you haven’t started thitrilogy yet, do yourself a favor and pick up “Ferren and the Angel” immediately. And if you’ve been following along, you’ll find “Ferren and the Invaders of Heaven” a worthy, heart-pounding finale … What a ride! (Sheri Hoyte in Reader Views)
I’ve put the full review on my BLOG page.
While the advance reviews for Book 3 are coming in, the awards are still catching up on Book 1. Ferren and the Angel has now taken out a second US award: the Moonbeam 2024 Silver Award for YA – Fantasy/Sci-Fi.

The first award was the Reader Views Reviewers Choice Silver Award for Teen Fiction

This trilogy’s on a roll! If Ferren and the Angel is good, Ferren and the Doomsday Mission is better and Ferren and the Invaders of Heaven’s the best!
I ought to be able to talk about something other than the Ferren Trilogy. I’ve had nineteen Spec Fic books published, I’ve scored international success with Worldshaker and its sequels, and I’ve won a swag of awards including the prestigious Prix Tam Tam du Livre Jeunesse in France. But right now nothing else matters – it’s Ferren, Ferren, Ferren all the way!
Check out Ferren on the menu above – or click here. Then maybe the other menu items later!